Study Abroad
Explore new countries.
Expand your mind.
That’s why we encourage you to pack your bags, get your passport, and spend a semester abroad.

Global Destinations
Where in the world will you go
You can spend a few weeks in Malta, or maybe a semester in Spain. Enter a formal exchange program through Butler University, or enroll in classes at any one of our 50+ global partner institutions. The choice is yours.
Most of the 400 Butler students who study abroad every year are forever changed by the experience. For some, like Dakotah Harris ’21, it had an even deeper impact. “I am only here now and have the future plans I have because I went abroad,” says Harris. “I would have never realized what it was like to not settle if I wouldn’t have been open and if I wouldn’t have gone abroad.”

Nationally recognized for providing a truly global education.
See it for Yourself